A chaotic, devilish handyman who wants to light the world on fire
A daring woodworker frustratingly changing himself to fit all the places he’s not welcome in — even when maybe he shouldn’t
A ruthless yet efficient house painter isolating herself from everyone in her quest for a new successful lifestyle
A ruthless yet efficient construction manager with a furious fire to conquer his ambitious goals and fulfill all his responsibilities
A playful and fun aspiring landscape artist seeking the largest group of friends possible so life gets a little easier
An architecture student eager to know everything about his corner of the world
An irreverent lighting architect blocking the world out to embrace her own crazy self
An intelligent and lonely interior designer trying to fill the gaps in his life with reason rather than heart
A reliable journalist constantly attempting to bring order to the chaotic environment she lives in
A spirited architect with a personal (and irrational?) mission of becoming a perfect leader and role model to everyone around him